Wednesday, June 22, 2011

corys tattoo - nautical theme.

take pictures of tattoo-ing

So apparently..

During the 1800's when cargo ships ran into trouble and sank, the sailors who found the crates containing pigs and chickens amongst the floating debris would survive.  This was because of how buoyant pig and chicken carcasses become - or so Cory would have me understand
  I guess after a while this became common knowledge (...)  and so pigs and chickens became a sign of good luck or survival...  so people started having theses two poor animals tattooed on their feet.  Another version of the story that i found - here -  contains quite a bit less death..

regardless, the piece came out amazing - Kae does some pretty awesome things with a tattoo gun.

thanks to Kae and Cory for letting me intrude on their session.